
Ex-Sunnyside Washington child, raised by amazing Mexican matriarch [Chula].

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Elliott Bay Books street party

It's real; adios Pioneer Square, hello Capital Hill.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter Sunday, lead by women

Man is man; and it often stops there.

Our full realization is beyond this arresting moment, where
limitations don't lead to full spiritual surrender. I need a woman's
voice - and loving guidance - to get on the surrender path. For this I
am fully blessed this Easter,

con paz,

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Bi-lingual chants

The children lead us in the Passion presentation; to a vision of
sacrifice, giving up to the will of God.

Father Tony lead us to kneel and kiss the Cross from which our slain
Saviour was hung; but not forever.

What was journey to hell my Jesus; what did you say to them knowing
they would stay and you would leave?

con paz,

Friday, April 02, 2010

Stations of the Cross made from found driftwood

Walked the internal edge of St. James to view the stations of the
Cross. Vivid imagery as Christ surrenders to His fate, for me. You
bled for me Jesus; what have I done for you?

Julee is in town from NYC; she nibbled on locks while I devoured
pesto. Her green tea was not my espresso.

con paz,

Holy Thursday bread

Mass at St. Marys; loud in voice, quiet in reflection. Father Tony
leads us by lowering his head in prayer, kneeling.

We wash each other's feet; share the Passover mysteries in Spanish and
English. We break holy bread then share community bread.

At home just after midnite, the moon is dull red setting into the
southeast horizon. It is Good Friday.

The rain now falls steady.

con paz,

Art Walk salvation

In the barren streets, found God's beauty in the alley behind the
closed Elliott Bay Books.

Tridium raindrops

Art Walk before Holy Thursday mass.
Unspectacular thus far.

Glass studio was bright colored; nothing revolutionary in design.

Patrons look bored, where's Jesus?

Street musician plays someone else' material, bleh.

People still smoke cigarettes.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Teach Us to Give Less

I'm listening to Maria Callas; while the rain continues to darken the end of a Sunday evening. It's a beautiful day because love filled the air [and my heart] from the moment I awoke this morning until now [and beyond]. Maria is my cantor, and she could probably sing anything and I would find it soothing to this beast.

What isn't soothing? Each week there seems to be a new voice of conflict, raising up a loud clamor for a side against another side. Healthcare, economy, domestic violence; name it from the headlines of a favorite newspaper [online or in print].

Heading into Holy Week, wonder if we should learn to give less time and energy to conflict. Instead, how about a week of deferring whatever conflict wants our attention - even if the provocation is irresistible - until a later time, if ever. Let the conflict pass, see if it was meant to be a part of who we are and stand for. Conflict and emotion are great friends; perhaps not giving into both at the same time means conflict doesn't get a chance to become part of who we are.

I'll try to muse more on this during Holy Week.

con paz,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Recovering from salt

The salt scrub treatment hurts at first, like scratching combined with
stinging combined with pressure on the skin. She pushed very hard -
imagine this is how it's done if done right - and didn't let up
despite any noise I made.

When she poured hot water on my body to rinse off the salt and oil
debris, thought it was odd to have water at all, poured on the massage

Where does this lead us, during Lent? It lead to mixed feelings about
saying "no" to Holy Week in New Mexico.

More on that later.

White Center fed us their fullness, starting with a 'ha, ha, ha' view
of the Olympics at sunset. The powerlines and a few planks in my eye
got in the way. I was inspired by the dyed yarn on canvas; super close
photos of leaves and similar elements in nature.

Need to hear children laughing, running outside today.

con paz,

Friday, February 19, 2010

Reflections on Lent 2010

We joined parishioners for early Ash Wednesday mass this week. The homily centered on prayer, alms giving and fasting. The vitamin D is a nice setting to continue meditating on these focus areas for the season of Lent.

con paz,


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